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Workplace Culture Consulting

What is the Definition of Company Culture?

Company culture/ Corporate culture is the way things are done within a company. It is a combination of formal and informal systems, behaviours and values. These then create the overall experience for both the employees and the clients.


Organizational culture can be sensed even by an outsider and will have a direct impact on employee engagement, the business success and the company's competitive advantage.

employee engagement 0/3–5 culture consultants 1/2 business strategy 0/1–2 current culture 0/1 organizational leadership 0/1 develop leaders 0/1 culture champion 0/1–2 leadership skills 0/1 bottom line 0/1 organizational performance 0/1–2 company's mission 0/1–2 culture 21/37–53 core values 1/2–4 culture change 0/1–3 top talent 0/1–2 business experience 0/1 new culture 0/1–2 strong sense 0/1 business results 0/1 design thinking 0/1–3 new skills 0/1 organization 2/5–8 cultures 0/3–5 pain points 0/1 buy in 0/1 leaders 3/7–12 create 2/4–5 values 16/4–5 creating 0/2–3 leadership 0/4–7 diversity 0/2–4 organizations 2/3–7 world 1/2–4 team 3/1–2 attract 0/2 workplace 3/6–14 culture consultancy 0/1

Your company’s culture is your operating system

company culture 3/7–16 company's culture 0/2–5 organizational culture 3/8–32 business management consulting 0/1–2 culture change 0/1–3 top talent 0/1–2 business experience 0/1 new culture 0/1–2 strong sense 0/1 business results 0/1 design thinking 0/1–3 new skills 0/1 organization 2/5–8 cultures 0/3–5 pain points 0/1 buy in 0/1 leaders 3/7–12 create 2/4–5 values 16/4–5 creating 0/2–3 leadership 0/4–7 diversity 0/2–4 organizations 2/3–7 world 1/2–4 team 3/1–2 attract 0/2 workplace 3/6–14 culture consultancy 0/1

Why might a workplace culture consultant be needed?

Signs that the organizational culture might require the skills of a culture consultant include:


  • Underperformance

  • Lack of employee retention

  • Lack of communication

  • Low employee engagement

  • Poor customer service levels

Workplace culture consulting will help these behaviours be overcome and in turn, lead to a high-performance culture.

It should be the company's mission to ensure its culture allows employees and leaders to create the best version of themselves and develop leaders that achieve high organizational performance.

Improving the organizational culture will allow companies to have higher success in the long term.

What does a culture consultant do...

Culture consulting is a practice that assists businesses in achieving their financial, strategic, organizational and social objectives. This occurs by changing aspects of the company's current culture to establish a more desired workplace culture.


The consultant will work with the company to identify and define its existing culture. Their future culture will need to be established, and then a plan will be made to make this a reality.


Culture consultants will define the core values of a positive culture within the company. They will work to outline desirable and undesirable behaviours. This can be carried out by seeing how employees feel and what workers believe are included in creating a positive work atmosphere. New policies, benefits and processes will be identified to drive high performance and the new desired culture. The right culture consultant will then implement these necessary changes and provide recommendations to companies on how to achieve their aspirational culture.


These changes can be given through leadership training and enhancing leadership skills, providing clear cultural direction and adjusting aspects of employee engagement.

The best culture consultants will encourage employees to generate ideas for workplace changes. This will give them a strong sense of ownership and a higher level of importance within the organization.

“Maintaining an effective culture is so important that it, in fact, trumps even strategy.”


Hiring the best corporate culture consultant

The bottom line of hiring any culture consultant is that they need to understand the core values of the company and they understand the organisation's outcomes. They will use their outside expertise to achieve better business results.


Corporate culture consulting should assist leaders and managers in developing a high-performing culture that drives the company's success and allows employees to maximize their potential, irrelevant of the company size.


As culture consulting is a relatively new field, good culture consultancy may come from different titles. When undergoing the hiring process, professional networks such as Linkedin should be used to hunt for the right culture consultant.


In order to find top talent, companies should interview consultants to understand their processes and how they plan to achieve their desired outcomes. An important factor to consider when hiring a culture consultant is the rapport and trust that comes with the relationship. During the hiring process, this element of trust should be what attract employees.


No matter the level of expertise, nobody can change culture overnight. Culture can only improve when the employees and leaders put effort into changing behaviours and have the desire to develop new skills. Culture consulting takes time and getting employees to buy in to adapt can be a slow process.


Therefore, when changing the organisation's culture, cultural consultants should be asked about their long-term plans. They should recommend a roadmap to companies to guide them through the various stages of building a new culture. This will allow leaders to eventually create an organization that attracts both a positive employee experience and business experience while overall increasing the level of clients for the company.


Culture consultants will use assessments, follow-up interviews and focus groups to gather deeper insights into the organization's culture. Cultural consultancy alone cannot fix the toxic culture of a company but can address the underlying issues. Fixing these issues will also be reliant on employees, leaders and hr consulting. Companies will use the plans of the culture consultant in combination with the efforts of the team to create a business that will attract clients, leaders and employees.


Culture consultant Pricing

Workplace culture consulting can be comprised of one person, a small group, or a large team.


With most organizations, the length of engagement and service fees often vary according to the needs of their culture change and the extent to which the company grows. Usually, culture consultants are willing to propose a scope of business strategy suggestions that lasts three months.

companies 5/9–20 organization 2/10–24 pain points 0/1–2 cultures 0/3–7 business 5/6–14 diversity 0/2–6 values 3/5–8 leaders 7/8–18 creating 1/2–5 team 2/4–9 world 0/2–6

Want to know more about
Culture Analytics

change management consulting 0/1 management consulting 0/1–3 organizational leadership 0/1–2 culture champion 0/1–3 culture 46/64–102 design thinking 0/1–4 company 10/18–31
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