7 min

Measuring Employee Experience to Ensure Employees Feel Supported and Valued

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

by David Pinto

Measuring employee experience

Business leaders’ top concerns over the last few years are clear: culture and employee experience were the most important things.

There's a lot of agreement about the benefits of making sure your employees have a good time at work. There is even a podcast series on the subject. Many organizations have trouble defining, measuring, and improving their employees' experiences. Many go by instinct or don't make any efforts at all to improve their employee engagement. This article will look at these problems and give ideas for how to make your workplace great and increase employee satisfaction.

A lot of people talk about improving employee experiences but very few know how.

Defining what the Employee Experience is

Employee experience refers to current and past employees' perceptions of his or her journey through various touch points at a specific company. The physical workspace, culture, and technology of the company are all key elements of the employee experience. The employee experience is the sum of an employee's interactions with other people, systems, policies, and the physical and virtual workspace. The small details of day-to-day work, as well as the periodic events and transitions, are important. Employee experience is subjective: it is the individual's overall impression of the job and the organization and can determine if employees stay in the company.

Every business makes an investment in the customer experience. And, as businesses increasingly recognize people as their most valuable asset, they are investing in ensuring a positive employee experience as well. It all comes down to how your employees spend their time, both at work and when they're not at work. Every aspect of organizational culture will be influenced by employee perceptions and experiences. Employees who are satisfied with their experience are more engaged and complete tasks more effectively and efficiently. This will also have an impact on how many employees choose to stay working in the company and thus reduce employee turnover.

This is why ELEFense thinks of culture as the sum of all the interactions in an organisation. Everyone at the office has interactions and expectations that affect their moods and behaviour. These interactions and expectations include things like lunch and compensation reviews. They also include things like project management protocol, discussions of the company values, unspoken messages about taking time off, parties, and even what's in the break room! Therefore when choosing to measure the employee experience, both quantitative and qualitative data should be recorded in order to get an accurate overview of employee experience.

Measurement of the Employee Experience

It's easy to think of the employee experience as the sum of all interactions. When an organisation has more people and complexity, it's hard to figure out how many interactions each person has had and how this will affect business performance.

Employee experience initiatives are often resisted because people don't understand why they do what they do or why they interact with each other. To stretch an old saying, you can bring employees to the water cooler, but you can't make them talk. Why spend money on making employees happy when there's no way to know if they'll like it?

Your group can't be everything to everyone. Your clients and customers, as well as your employees, will be happy with you if you do what you say. But your company can be consistent with what it says it is and what it does, setting up a cycle of finding and keeping employees who love the experience you promised.

The first step to getting consistent is to figure out how to measure employee experience so you can see how your current situation and employee attitudes compare to your goals. Determine your mission, vision, and values, and then use them as benchmarks when you look at employee feedback from employee experience surveys to figure out the employee expectations and then what needs to be changed.

Creating Benchmarks for Experience

As with your business goals, your company values can serve as a guide for how you want your employees to feel at work. For example, ELEFense has a goal: to become the best Culture Intelligence system software for large and medium-sized businesses. We can keep track of this goal, and our five values show us how to get there, so we can reach our goal.

A lot of people think that values are just like one-time employee experiences: short-lived platitudes that make the company sound good at an all-hands meeting before becoming nothing more than wall art. But values can be so much more than that. They can help employees make decisions that lead to the kind of employee experience you want and allow employee development. It's better for a great employee experience to grow from the bottom up than to be forced from the top down.

ELEFense values say that a good leader is someone who thinks the best of their team, no matter what title they have. They also say that we are willing to be honest with ourselves and others about our strengths and areas of improvement. Everyone should be encouraged to lead from where they are, whether that means managing others or teaching new employees how to do their job.

Your company's values won't be the same as ours but putting strategic thought into your

values helps you shape your employee experience throughout the employee life cycle.

Starting a management/subordinate feedback loop

After figuring out what your values are, you should set up a cycle of regular feedback from your employees so that you can see how well your real experience is to your ideal experience. This can include data from employee engagement surveys or focus groups. This is best done in a regular conversation, with regular performance management and scheduled organization-wide assessments thrown in for good measure.

Obviously, the right tools for assessing cultural intelligence can go a very long way. ELEFense can help you plot a trend of enterprise health by analyzing the words used by your employees on mass.

Questionnaires can be problematic for two reasons

1. Employees may not trust their anonymity (and for good reason)

2. They are, at best, a quarterly affair but typically conducted annually, and plotting health every three months is insufficient.

After an effective feedback cycle, you can keep the best parts of your operations and improve from there.

Improving the Experience of Employees

To improve the employee experience, you need a clear picture of what you want, as well as information from people who work for your company. While it's not possible to give specific advice to every company, here are some general ideas about human motivation that can help you make decisions:

Ensure quality everywhere

When someone reads the first words of your job ad, they start talking to your company right away. They form impressions of your company during the hiring and onboarding process. They also think about how their decision to join will affect them in the long run. The way your company is seen by the outside world can be changed even with an interview. This is because Glassdoor and other employer review platforms let people say what their experience is like at your company to the public. The best way to build a good employer brand is to ensure your employees (or candidates) have the same experience while working for your company.

Take care of the most important things first

The most important thing is for employees to feel safe at work. Until that happens, nothing else will be more important at work. Compensation for food and shelter, benefits to protect against disaster, and culture maintenance to keep employees' social needs are some of the things your company does to meet some of these needs. Keeping an eye on these things and making employees feel like they have room to improve is important for having positive workplace experiences.

Give more than just fun

This is the difference between one-time perks and a long-term positive experience. As soon as employees have their basic needs met, the opportunities for growth and achievement become powerful, more long-lasting motivators for them to stay in their jobs. So, in addition to giving your employees free snacks or nap pods, make sure your company helps them grow in meaningful ways. This could be by teaching them new job skills or giving them advice they can use in their personal lives.

The Future of a Consistent Worker Experience Is Bright.

It takes a lot of thought, effort, communication, and coordination to make sure that every employee has the same experience. But all of this work turns out to be more effective than one-time events when it comes to making your employees recognize and internalize how much your company cares about them. As long as your employees keep seeing that you're working hard to make the workplace great, your company can enjoy the benefits of happier, more productive employees, less turnover, and better business results.

What is the employee experience Index?

The Employee Experience Index is a ranking tool that evaluates companies based variables encompassing three environments - culture, technology, and physical workplace environment. Those variables and environment matter most in the workplace.

What are the most important employee experience metrics to measure?

Employee turnover rates can be used to determine employee success and retention in an organization and whether they can be improved.

Goals for measuring employee experience

Is it possible for employees to measure their employee experiences using these metrics? To make sure employees have health and happiness and are able to work efficiently with a focus on achieving the company objectives as they work towards ensuring success. What are some important goals when assessing employee satisfaction and retention? Those employees who have been employed by companies long enough can gain institutional knowledge; Upon departure, the replacement will have to do it.


What if we were to tell you that there are tools on the market today that can alert you if there is a cause for concern in your organization and give you feedback on key performance indicators? What happens when corporate culture begins to deteriorate, and you don’t even know about it, because the reviews are yearly…
ELEFense can help. ELEFense analyses company sentiment & keywords to reveal Enterprise Cultural Health and quantify how people feel in real time to give you an unprecedented insight of trends and events. Measuring employee experience will allow employee satisfaction to improve and produce a better company culture.