3 min

How Should Quarrelling Co-workers be Addressed?

Updated: Feb 4, 2023

by David Pinto


I'm in charge of a 12-person group. Over the last three weeks, two of my workers have been arguing. Our office is tense as a result of their anger. Should I deal with them separately or all at once? Is it possible that I should let one go?


When coworkers fight, it affects the entire workplace. As a manager, you are required to be attentive to the viewpoints of your employees while still safeguarding the company's interests. But, in order to get there, you must first listen with empathy while you acquire information. So, when you work out this scenario, be tough, fair, and flexible. Furthermore, I strongly suggest you to seek aid from HR professionals, since they are uniquely qualified to assist you in dealing with these circumstances.

To better understand the dynamics and get to the source of the squabbles, you might want to start by holding separate meetings with your staff. Your staff should be more open and honest about their problems in a one-on-one scenario.

After meeting with each individual, it may be necessary to have a group conversation to address any unresolved issues. Set clear limits and expectations for their conduct both during the talk and thereafter. Termination should never be unexpected. Therefore, there are a few extra things to think about before firing one or both of them.

Having your staff meet with one another, on the other hand, may assist in speeding up the resolution process. Prepare to mediate or hire an independent mediator to assist your two workers in getting on the same page, brainstorming ideas, and deciding on their future actions.

In an ideal world, you'll have a productive conversation with both workers, and they'll choose to respect one another at work and go forward on a positive path. If you have any worries, difficulties, or policy breaches, study your company's policies and speak with HR about your options.

An employer's policy on workplace behaviour is widespread, and infractions may necessitate the use of a performance improvement plan and/or progressive discipline. Performance improvement programs can target not just performance-related difficulties, but also behavioral concerns. Document and communicate your expectations to both workers, and give them enough time to modify their conduct. If there is no change, these plans frequently involve sanctions, up to and including termination. If a policy violation occurred, progressive discipline may be utilized in conjunction with performance improvement initiatives, such as a verbal warning, written warning, and final warning before termination.

I'll add this: It's critical that you listen to each person and comprehend their unique viewpoint. You should also make sure kids are aware of the consequences of their actions. They may be so engrossed in the disagreement that they fail to notice how it affects their coworkers and their job performance. So, put the ball in their court by asking whether there's a way to work through their disagreements without jeopardizing the project.

We can only hope that cooler heads will prevail. Adding perspective can assist both parties in making better, more informed decisions, potentially avoiding the need for termination. The ultimate objective is to keep a workplace that allows employees to have good and productive work experiences.


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