3 min

How Harassment Affects the Workplace and What Should Victims Do?

Updated: Feb 4, 2023

by David Pinto

Harassment in the workplace frequently results in a loss of morale not just for the victim but for the whole team, department and sometimes adjacent departments.

However, first and foremost, workplace bullying may have an emotional and physical impact on the victim, which negatively influences everyone around them. The victim isn't the only one who suffers at work. Bullying in the workplace is inconvenient for everyone. Witnessing the harassment, co-workers may feel terrible for not reporting it or fear becoming victims themselves. Co-workers who observed workplace bullying were more likely to use antidepressants and tranquilizers, according to Canadian research. Other employees may be irritated because co-workers skip work to give depositions for legal proceedings or even because of the sheer stress, leaving them with extra chores and obligations. It is the job of management to foster a positive work environment and to know when to interfere.

What to Do If You’re Experiencing Workplace Harassment or Discrimination

Despite experiencing discrimination or harassment, 72% link percent of people do not submit a formal complaint. They are afraid of being blamed, of nothing being done, or of being shunned. However, there are a few reasons why reporting workplace harassment or discrimination is vital. One, it establishes that the employer was aware of the issue and hence liable for its resolution. Second, it's possible that it's the only method to halt the behaviour. So, if you're a victim of workplace harassment or discrimination, what should you do? Here are a few recommendations:

Keep a record.

Purchase a pocket-sized notepad and make notes of the annoying conduct whenever it occurs. Take down information such as the time and date of the event, as well as a narrative of what happened. Make your statement as detailed as possible. This document will be crucial evidence if anything ends up going to court.

Save evidence.

Keep any pictures or other items that might help you establish your case secure until you need them. Have you been the recipient of abusive emails or phone calls? Then continue to use email.

Find witnesses.

It's likely that one or more of your employees saw the conduct at some time, so consider who was present. Discuss what they observed with them and make a note of it in your notebook. Also, inquire about their willingness to serve as a witness.

Ask for support.

Harassment is a terrible experience. Reaching out to someone you trust and talking about it, whether it's a buddy or a therapist, may be beneficial to your mental health. They can also assist you in determining whether or not you should submit a complaint.

Don’t wait.

Because there are state and federal time restrictions for reporting harassment, you must make a strategy as soon as something occurs. Check to see how your firm handles prejudice. Is there a policy in place at work? Is it possible to obtain a tangible copy of a company handbook? If your business has a website, the grievance procedure should be available there as well.


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